Wednesday, October 14, 2009

hihi !
haha . have not been posting for quite long huh ? haha . okay
let me start
haha . just now aft sch, went to fetch my younger sister(Farihah).
then aft tht went back .
went reach home . i realised that i didnt bring my key .
so Mummy went to call my brother(Luqman)..
my bro ask me to come down to downtown east . at where he work . pizza hut there
to take the key
so i went there
then bro asked me offer me pizza ! haha . i take ah . haha . eat together with all his friends, him and my younger sister . haha
wah , went go back again , soo full to eat alr .
okay . bye2 . haha .
nth to write alr
haha .
bye 2!

ღLyanna Gurlღ blogged @ 6:12 AM | archives

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How can you see into my eyes / like open doors / leading you down into my core / where I've become so numb? / Without a soul; / my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold, / until you find it there and lead it back home. / Wake me up inside. / Wake me up inside. / Call my name and save me from the dark. / Bid my blood to run. / Before I come undone. / Save me from the nothing I've become. / Now that I know what I'm without / you can't just leave me. / Breathe into me and make me real. / Bring me to life. / Bring me to life. / I've been living a lie/There's nothing inside. / Bring me to life. / Frozen inside without your touch, / without your love, darling. / Only you are the life among the dead. / All of this sight / I can't believe I couldn't see / Kept in the dark / but you were there in front of me / I've been sleeping a 1000 years it seems. / I've got to open my eyes to everything. / Without a thought / Without a voice / Without a soul / Don't let me die here/There must be something more. / Bring me to life./ Bring me to life. / I've been living a lie/There's nothing inside. / Bring me to life /