Wednesday, October 14, 2009

hihi !
haha . have not been posting for quite long huh ? haha . okay
let me start
haha . just now aft sch, went to fetch my younger sister(Farihah).
then aft tht went back .
went reach home . i realised that i didnt bring my key .
so Mummy went to call my brother(Luqman)..
my bro ask me to come down to downtown east . at where he work . pizza hut there
to take the key
so i went there
then bro asked me offer me pizza ! haha . i take ah . haha . eat together with all his friends, him and my younger sister . haha
wah , went go back again , soo full to eat alr .
okay . bye2 . haha .
nth to write alr
haha .
bye 2!

ღLyanna Gurlღ blogged @ 6:12 AM | archives

Monday, September 28, 2009

hey .. the previous one about badminton . is run for 10 rounds. okayh ?
okayh then sorry. my hand lazy uh . haha. until type wrongly. haha. kayh uh

ღLyanna Gurlღ blogged @ 8:25 AM | archives

hey .. the previous one about badminton . is run for 10 rounds. okayh ?
okayh then sorry. my hand lazy uh . haha. until type wrongly. haha. kayh uh

ღLyanna Gurlღ blogged @ 8:25 AM | archives

hey peeps

just now late for badminton . late sia . by 10 mins .
haiyo . then must un round the court for 10 mins . then aft runing. Mr Fiqhri(my badminton coach) ask me why i late . then i say i left sch at 4 . then he say so ? 'ur journey to here is only 30 mins what ? ' then in my mind i was like 'eh uncle ! u think i wait for the bus 1 second ah ?!' then ignore hym larh . tok tok tok so much . he nag at me . i dun care. i just say 'hmm' haha . thats all . then aft that he went to choose captain . he choose me, izhad n fariz . wah . among them . i only girl then must play with them sia. kayh then i vote for izhad cuz he everytime be my partner for badminton . kayh then Mr Fiqhri choose me as captain . i tot he will choose Fariz because Fariz is his nephew what . but instead he choose me , kayh then in my mind. i tot he hate me ? i already late still want to choose me as captain ah ? not a good coach sia him. kayh then the rest of my frens choose me n Izhad . then ah . i so happy seyh . get to be captain . then Izhad be Vice-Captain. WOOHOO ! haha , kayh then . i got to know from Nadhirah that alot of girls vote for Izhad just because he was handsome . then i got to know from Bryan that alot of boys vote for me because i cute ? I CUTE MERHS ???!! then i was like WTH larh ? then frm that moment i hate them alr. vote for us just because of that ? haha
k larh . bye2 gtg. want to sleep . bye2.


ღLyanna Gurlღ blogged @ 8:12 AM | archives

Hey peeps ! whatsup ? haha . nth rite ? haha . kayh2 .

just now got badminton training . at 4.30 . wait for the bus so damn long sia . like want to lie down sia . kayh then . got this APS boy student cum . say ' hey budak canteq, boleh kenal2'. the malay ppl who read this will know . the rest who are not malay , want to know ? tag then i tell .

kayh then aft tht i walk away cuz bus alr cum . the he also follow . kayh then i ignore hym arh . then reach badminton place . at bedok . wah ! late man ! by 10 mins . so i must run round the court 10 rounds. i told him i wait i left sch at 4. 'by the time u reach here 4.30 rdy what. the journey 30 mins what'. he say like that . in my mind was like . 'eh uncle ! u tot wait for the bus 1 second ah??' wah like wan to punch his face sia ! haha .

kayh then . run 10 rounds rdy . went to vote n choose captain . i vote for Izhad , my kindergaten fren . haha . he everytime help me partner me if coach ask to pair up n play. haha . kayh then ..
vote alr . got results seyh . wah , at first angry wif coach . but then start to be happy . cuz ................................

. watch 'brainscan' malay movie. haha

kayh2. bye bye by: Liyana
i get to be captain for badminton !!! YAY ! so happy sia . hah ,

k larh . so long sia my post . haha .

want to go alr . haha

ღLyanna Gurlღ blogged @ 7:53 AM | archives

Saturday, September 26, 2009

hello there ! have not been posting for long . lazy uh . haha .
okay , hmm ..
yesterday .. did rocket using fireworks i think .. the bungaapiwif bro luqman, bro ali, bro ryan and bro hamka . all the abg's . kay then . get ready cuz want to go johore .

at johore ............................
go shopping. then do alotalot of things there larh until about 2am
kay then went to buy CD . went to look for CD 'Sesat' but no have. haha .
then this seller . malay guy . sell to us alot of CD ... give cheap price somemore .. wooh ..! haha
kay then . aft buy the CD say thank you then walk off .
aft that . felt stupid like that . haha . that guy ask for my numsia !!!!! haha
SIAOAHK ? haha . but he say . he use action . haha . cuz i was already far away wif family .
then i was like WTF ? haha .
k larh . nth happen actually . haha . but at least i post smth ,
haha . k laarh . willl post new posts asap .
k laarh . bye2 .

ღLyanna Gurlღ blogged @ 6:51 AM | archives

ღLyanna Gurlღ blogged @ 6:45 AM | archives

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How can you see into my eyes / like open doors / leading you down into my core / where I've become so numb? / Without a soul; / my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold, / until you find it there and lead it back home. / Wake me up inside. / Wake me up inside. / Call my name and save me from the dark. / Bid my blood to run. / Before I come undone. / Save me from the nothing I've become. / Now that I know what I'm without / you can't just leave me. / Breathe into me and make me real. / Bring me to life. / Bring me to life. / I've been living a lie/There's nothing inside. / Bring me to life. / Frozen inside without your touch, / without your love, darling. / Only you are the life among the dead. / All of this sight / I can't believe I couldn't see / Kept in the dark / but you were there in front of me / I've been sleeping a 1000 years it seems. / I've got to open my eyes to everything. / Without a thought / Without a voice / Without a soul / Don't let me die here/There must be something more. / Bring me to life./ Bring me to life. / I've been living a lie/There's nothing inside. / Bring me to life /